Söfnuður sem heimahöfn

Ég var að glugga í bækur um hlutverk og stöðu kristninnar á fyrstu tveimur öldunum eftir Krist, m.a. í ljósi deilna postulanna í Jerúsalem og Páls. Það er áhugavert að kristni er í upphafi fyrst og fremst borgartrú, þ.e. hún dreifist, vex og dafnar í borgarumhverfi. Lykilleikmenn í útbreiðslunni eru iðnmenntaðir farandverkamenn sem fara úr einni borg í aðra og stunda iðn sína. Gæði samgangna og færanleiki vinnuafls (mobility) í rómverska keisaraveldinu eru auðvitað vel þekktar stærðir. Ekki síður mikilvægt er að þessi færanleiki kallar á þörfina fyrir “fjölskyldu” fjarri blóðfjölskyldunni og skapar kjöraðstæður fyrir safnaðaruppbyggingu og samfélag.  Continue reading Söfnuður sem heimahöfn

1. Mósebók 47. kafli

Faraó tekur vel á móti fjölskyldu Jakobs, jafnvel þó Jakob tali um sig sem hjarðmann og segi flutninginn bara vera tímabundinn. Það er sagt að Jósef hafi þurft að styðja við fjölskylduna þrátt fyrir að þau fengu gott land og vinnu hjá Faraó, enda hópurinn stór og kreppan byrjuð að hafa áhrif í Egyptalandi þrátt fyrir undirbúninginn á góðæristímanum. Continue reading 1. Mósebók 47. kafli

1. Mósebók 32. kafli

Enn á ný sjáum við hvernig ákveðin svæði/staðir/brunnar fá nafn og eru með beinum hætti tengdir við sögu Hebrea. Þannig hefur 1. Mósebók í einhverjum skilningi gildi sem kröfugerð á þá brunna og það land sem afkomendur Abrahams grafa eða ná á sitt vald þegar þeir koma sér fyrir í fyrirheitna landinu. Continue reading 1. Mósebók 32. kafli

Kirkja Guðs

I have seen God’s church doing great work in the worst of situations and I have seen the church at its worst in the best of situations, working for self-serving purposes. I have dealt with my childish image of God, both in the academic setting and when confronted by people with experiences I could never imagine having my self.

Meðan ég var í námi við Trinity Lutheran Seminary var ég ásamt öðrum erlendum stúdentum við skólann beðin um að ávarpa Board of Directors við skólann með þönkum mínum um dvöl mína þar. Hægt er að sjá innleggið mitt á vefsíðu skólans: Trinity Lutheran Seminary – Halldór Elías Guðmundsson.

1. Mósebók 13. kafli

Abram hagnaðist gífurlega á Egyptalandsævintýrinu sínu. Við lesum um hvernig hann flytur hjörð sína og ættfólk í áföngum til Kanaansland og hvernig þessi mikli auður veldur því að hann og Lot ákveða að skilja skiptum. Abram heldur áfram til á landsbyggðinni og fær vilyrði Guðs fyrir landi til ræktunar og lífs fyrir sig og afkomendur sína. Lot flutti í borgirnar á sléttlendinu. Ein borg er nefnd til sögunnar sérstaklega, Sódóma, þar sem íbúarnir voru bæði illir og syndugir.
Líkt og áður getum við lesið að Abram reisir altari þar sem hann sest að, fyrst við Betel og nú í Hebron.

Leadership models

Laura Wacker Stern writes on Duke Divinity Call & Response Blog about Struggling with leadership “effectiveness”.

The leadership models recommend constant evaluation in order to measure the “success” of an event, sermon series, or outreach ministry. From formal congregational surveys to first-time visitor interviews, we are encouraged to build accountability structures into our day-to-day church operations. Such evaluations alone are certainly understandable, yet they can create a narrow, data-driven measurement of success. Increased participation in worship, new professions of faith, and additions to the membership rolls disproportionately define a congregation’s faithfulness to the Gospel.

Interesting Article: America’s Biggest Brain Magnets

Newgeography.com has an interesting article addressing where college graduates are locating themselves in the US. New Orleans makes the first place, most likely more due to a shift in population after Katarina, then anything else. The real winner in the 1 million+ category is the area around “The Research Triangle” in North Carolina. It is fun to see Columbus, Ohio in 9th place and also which metro-areas are not on the list. The following paragraph caught my attention:

Conventional theory suggests that the new generation of college graduates will go to the largest, densest places, eschewing, as The Wall Street Journal put it snidely, their parent’s McMansions for small abodes in the inner city. Yet the ACS numbers indicate that, overall, college migrants tend to choose less dense places. In the two years we covered, the growth rate in urban areas with lower urban area densities (2,500 per square mile) boasted a 5% increase in college-educated residents, compared with roughly 3.5% for areas twice as dense.

See further on: America’s Biggest Brain Magnets | Newgeography.com.

Bækur sem vert er að lesa

Ég er stundum spurður um hvaða bækur ég hef lesið nýlega sem vert er að glugga í. Á næstu vikum og mánuðum hyggst ég birta nokkra bókaumfjallanir hér á vefnum um misspennandi bækur sem ég hef rekist á. En þangað til er e.t.v. vert að benda á nokkrar bækur á sviði starfsháttafræði sem er vert að lesa fyrir áhugafólk og sérfræðinga um kirkjustarf.

Israel Galindo gaf nýlega út bókina “Perspectives on Congregational Leadership: Applying systems thinking for effective leadership” sem tekur á því sama og “The Hidden Lives of Congregations” nema í styttra formi. Ég hef hins vegar ekki gefið mér tíma til að lesa þá bók.

Thoughts about the “Tribal Church” by Carol Howard Merritt

When a young person walks into a church, it’s a significant moment, because no one expects her to go and nothing pressures her to attend; instead, she enters the church looking for something. (16)

Tribal Church is one person’s attempt to put it out there; her thoughts and feelings about being a parent, a spouse, a seeker, a rostered church leader, a young adult, a person-in-debt, all while living in a world of constant changes and uncertainty. She addresses the struggle of being a follower of Christ in a world were young people outside the church walls “seem much more gracious, loving, and responsible, more consistent with Christ-like behavior.” (2) Continue reading Thoughts about the “Tribal Church” by Carol Howard Merritt

Recruiting Volunteers

Recruiting volunteers still requires work, but the context has changed. Now there is awareness and pride where before was obligation. And that makes all the difference both for those who recruit and those who say "yes" to this opportunity for ministry.

From Leading Ideas: A Resource for Church Leaders.

A timid church

I’ve been pondering that a lot. Have we become a timid church?” Hanson asked the ELCA leaders.  A sign of a timid church is one that describes itself by what it has lost and what it lacks, he said.  Such a church is one that tries to hold onto the past and preserve what was, Hanson said.

A church that defines itself by controversies and partisan divisions “will become a weary and timid church,” Hanson said.  A timid church has lost confidence in the power of the Holy Spirit to work through the gospel, he said.  The presiding bishop also said he is “deeply concerned” that leaders preach with a sense of confidence.

via ELCA Presiding Bishop Tells ELCA Leaders it’s Time to Move Forward – News Releases – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Sparnaðarleiðin “sjálfboðin þjónusta”

Á liðnu aukakirkjuþingi var bent á mikilvægi sjálfboðinnar þjónustu á lista yfir mögulegar leiðir til sparnaðar í þjóðkirkjunni í ljósi breyttra fjárhagsforsenda. Ég hef tvívegis síðan þá skrifað langlokur í svarhala Facebook um málið, en ákvað að taka saman þanka mína hér.

Í upphafi er mjög mikilvægt að taka fram að ég held að það sé öllum ljóst að safnaðarstarf framtíðarinnar í íslensku kirkjunni verður að byggja meira á sjálfboðinni þjónustu. Það er hins vegar ekki sama hvernig það er gert. Það að fá einhvern til að gera eitthvað frítt í sparnaðarskini er ekki það sama og að virkja fólk til sjálfboðinnar þjónustu. Continue reading Sparnaðarleiðin “sjálfboðin þjónusta”

Samræða um sóknir og safnaðarstarf

Kirkjan á Íslandi virðist um þessar mundir vera í mikilli varnarbaráttu. Ef mark er takandi á því sem ég heyri frá vinum og kunningjum á Íslandi, innan og utan kirkju, þá eru margir söfnuðir í mikilli krísu vegna þrengri fjárhags enn áður. Ein birtingarmynd þessarar krísu var aukakirkjuþing í ágúst, þar sem hugmyndum var varpað fram um lausnir. Continue reading Samræða um sóknir og safnaðarstarf

Leaving ELCA (or not)

Out of 10.230 congregations in ELCA, 199 have already taken two votes and decided to leave ELCA due to its decision at Church Wide Assembly 2009. When this is written 136 are in the process of making the second vote to leave after having passed the first. This means that in case all of the 136 decide to leave, ELCA has decreased in number of congregations by 3.2%.

What would be an interesting statistics in comparison with this number, is the number of members that have left. My assumption is that congregations that are most likely to leave are on average larger than those that stay. This is of course only a feeling, based on only one example (UALC) and a gut feeling about the nature of congregations. Of course I might be wrong.

based on pretty good lutherans » Blog Archive » ELCA by-the-numbers and numbers from the ELCA site.

Why We Should Learn the Language of Data

Of course, as anyone with any exposure to statistics knows, correlation is not causation. And individual stories don’t prove anything; when you examine data on the millions of vaccinated kids, even the correlation vanishes.

From Clive Thompson on Why We Should Learn the Language of Data via Derek Hoven.

The Self Interests of Congregations

A paper called “Church Based Organizing: A Strategy for Ministry” presented be the Gamaliel Foundation, makes an interesting claim about the new focus of congregations:

Fifty years ago, the self interest of the church was to respond to the problems of poverty, poor schools, lack of health care etc. affecting its people. Today the self interest is still there; but a more powerful self interest is the very survival of the congregation.

Here is more about Gamaliel Foundation.

The Religious Landscape in America

Here, I will look at few issues addressed in the book After the Baby Boomers and/or the US Religious Landscape Survey. Those issues caught my attention when I read those originally two years ago, but it is not an attempt to represent either reading, far from it. I decided to write them down randomly as an invitation to further speculations rather than trying grasp them in any fullness. Continue reading The Religious Landscape in America

First Call Congregations

The emphasis of the new project, “Vocation of First Call Congregations,” was to study the characteristics of congregations that do a good job supporting first call pastors as they start their ministry following completion of their seminary education.

via Vocation of First Call Congregations – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.


Multitasking messes with the brain in several ways. At the most basic level, the mental balancing acts that it requires—the constant switching and pivoting—energize regions of the brain that specialize in visual processing and physical coordination and simultaneously appear to shortchange some of the higher areas related to memory and learning. We concentrate on the act of concentration at the expense of whatever it is that we’re supposed to be concentrating on.

via The Autumn of the Multitaskers by Walter Kirn.