Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion

When I attended a course in Detroit in 2008, we meet with representatives from various groups that are trying to change the life of individuals and communities for the better. An example of that is:

We work to address inequity throughout our region through a process of recognition, reconciliation and renewal.  We strive to build relationships that create social justice and build sustainable inclusive communities.

via Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion.

We focused especially on interfaith issues and how the conversation has changed over relatively short time. A resource to look at in the context of interfaith is Interfaith Heroes.

Triangle Foundation

When I attended a course in Detroit in 2008, we meet with representatives from various groups that are trying to change the life of individuals and communities for the better. An example of that:

It is the mission of Triangle Foundation to promote equality and to secure freedom from violence, intimidation and discrimination for LGBT persons throughout Michigan.

We visited a community center in Detroit that had no markings on the outside do to intimidation towards LGBTQ. We heard about Ruth Ellis Center and their work with homeless LGBTQ teenagers and young adults.

There we were introduced to the “Heterosexual Questionnaire” that is a very helpful tool to address issues about sexuality. The questionnaire is found in various forms. Examples are 1, 2, 3 and 4.

More about Triangle Foundation can be found at www.tri.org.

Gamaliel Foundation

When I attended a course in Detroit in 2008, we meet with representatives from various groups that are trying to change the life of individuals and communities for the better. An example of that:

The mission of Gamaliel Foundation is to assist local community leaders to create, maintain and expand independent, grassroots, and powerful faith-based community organizations so that ordinary people can impact the political, social, economic, and environmental decisions that affect their lives; to provide these organizations with leadership training programs, consultation, research and analysis on social justice issues;  to be a network for mutual learning environments and working coalitions.

More about Gamaliel can be found at www.gamaliel.org.

A few Random Thoughts about Priests, Leadership, and Church

When we use the father concept about a priest. What kind of a parent is that? Is it the one that makes his children independent but still invites them to a steak on Sundays?

The creeds that we confess are priestly, focused on sacrifice, structure, and systematic worldview, no room for spirit, peace, or justice (innri samþykktir þjóðkirkjunnar, anyone).

LeBron James does not run Clevaland Cavaliers. However, that does not mean that basketball is secondary on the clubs agenda (or does it?).

Decision making through dialogue, in the presence of a strong charismatic leader has a strong bend towards monarchy.

ELCA is not the church, by Luther’s definition

Also, for Martin Luther, the real church consisted of people who hear the Gospel and proclaim it, Croghan said. The institutional church arose to aid that mission, “but institutions are not the church.” And, when to ensure their continued existence, such institutions compromise Gospel truth, they can be readily shed, Croghan said.

“The ELCA is not the church, by Luther's definition,” Croghan said.

In an article about congregations in South Dakota leaving ELCA, I came across this quote about ecclesiology. The rest of the article is good too.

via Gay clergy vote splits South Dakota Lutheran churches | argusleader.com | Argus Leader.

Experience in Haiti

I have made almost 8 minutes video with pictures and sounds to describe my experience and feelings in Haiti. In it I use pictures from my travel partners, music and sounds. It is no longer  accessible on the web. If you like to help there are many great organizations doing wonderful work in Haiti. One of them is Haiti Timoun Foundation.

Var að horfa á Ernie Els á 12.

Það var heitt í Dublin, Ohio í dag þegar síðasti hringurinn var spilaður í Memorial meistaramótinu. Þegar ég sá Byrd taka magnaðan örn á 7. holu hélt ég að hann myndi hafa þetta, enda var Tiger Woods nokkuð á eftir.
Ég sat síðan við 12. holu og horfði á Ernie Els, þegar “Tiger Roar” heyrðist frá þeirri 11. og það barst hratt á milli að Tiger hefði náð einhverju ótrúlegu höggi fyrir örn.
Eftir það virtist Tiger vera eini maðurinn í keppninni. Þar sem ég stóð við klúbbhúsið sá ég síðan Byrd klúðra 18 holunni illa og Ernie Els sömuleiðis meðan Tiger tók 18. holuna á þremur höggum og náði enn einum fugli dagsins.
Ég fann svolítið til með Michael Letzig í dag, spilafélaga Tigers. Það er sjálfsagt ekki auðvelt að spila þegar áhorfendur byrja að labba í burtu þegar þú átt eftir högg en spilafélagi þinn hefur lokið leik. Enda var þetta versti dagur Letzig í mótinu.
En hvað um það, góður dagur í Dublin, í 31 stigs hita og glampandi sól.

Kaffihúsakirkjan (íslenska)

Kaffihúsakirkjan, reglulegar vikulegar samkomur á kaffihúsi þar sem við ræðum um guðfræðileg/samfélagsleg mál, biðjum saman og veltum fyrir okkur spurningunni: Hvað vill GUÐ?

– Biðjum hvort fyrir öðru
– Tjáum okkur um málefni
– Grátum saman
– Hlæjum saman
– Vefsíða sem vettvangur
– …

Spurning um helgihaldsþáttinn. Hugsanlega að fara til kirkju og syngja í lokin – frjálst að koma með.