Kennon Callahan

He is the founder of the Center for Continuing Education at Emory’s Candler School of Theology. Dr. Callahan is the founder of the National Certification Program in Church Finance and Administration, providing training and certification for pastors and church administrators. He has received many awards and recognitions, including being elected to the Hall of Fame of the National Association of Church Business Administrators.

via Twelve Keys Seminar with Kennon Callahan via Prof. Doubleday

Teaching Americans What Haiti Needs: Money

Helping people in a disaster area is not all it is cracked up to be. This is an interesting article from New York Times posted on Michigan Chapter of the Red Cross website.

Another widely circulated blog post, “No One Needs Your Old Shoes: How Not to Help in Haiti,” was written shortly after the earthquake by Alanna Shaikh, an international relief and development expert working in Tajikistan. It suggested giving money, not goods; going to volunteer only if you have medical expertise and are vetted by a reputable organization; and supporting the far less immediate task of rebuilding Haiti.

via Teaching Americans What Haiti Needs: Money « Semtourofduty’s Blog.

The original article in New York Times.

Idealist is a project of Action Without Borders, a nonprofit organization founded in 1995 with offices in the United States and Argentina. Idealist is an interactive site where people and organizations can exchange resources and ideas, locate opportunities and supporters, and take steps toward building a world where all people can lead free and dignified lives.

via – Welcome to – Imagine. Connect. Act..

The Legacy of Guantanamo

In my reading about Haiti, I came across this story. If we don’t know the history, we are doomed to repeat it.

This June marked the tenth anniversary of the closing of the Guantánamo HIV Camp, one of the world’s first, and only, detention centers for people with HIV/AIDS. Today the story is all but forgotten, but at the time it captured people’s conscience, and its demise made headlines.

via The Legacy of Guantanamo.

Seminaries face financial woes

Among the 175 “free-standing” institutions in the Association of Theological Schools, 39% were “financially stressed,” with less than a year’s worth of spendable assets, a fall 2008 report says. That’s up from 26% a year earlier, and the data don’t reflect fallout from the stock market crash in the fall.

Seminaries face financial woes –

Reminder: Modern Western Concept we take for granted

The separation of religions and religious ideologies on one hand and secular thoughts and ideologies on the other is a modern western concept and completely meaningless to most people that have lived on this Earth. One could even claim that it is meaningless for many Constantine Christians still living in the Empire of Christian thought in the western world.

LPLI – Assessment tool for Pastors

The Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary has developed a new online leadership assessment instrument called the Lewis Pastoral Leadership Inventory™ (LPLI). Specifically designed for clergy, the LPLI helps pastoral leaders identify individual strengths and weaknesses to improve their ministry effectiveness. The LPLI uses a three-fold understanding of fruitful leadership encompassing Character,Competence, and Contribution. LPLI users receive a personalized leadership profile report that can be used for self-discovery, gathering feedback from others, setting goals for improvement, identifying continuing education needs, and tracking progress over time.

About LPLI — Lewis Center for Church Leadership™.

Þankar um skjaldarmerkið

Fyrir jól urðu nokkur skrif um meint tengsl landvættanna og guðspjallamannanna. Þar áttu Óli Gneisti og Þórhallur Heimisson í nokkrum skoðanaskiptum um lítt rökstudda en skemmtilega hugmynd Þórhalls um uppruna landvættanna og tengsl við Biblíusögur.

Óli benti réttilega á að fremur langsótt væri að segja ljón vera dreka og mannsmynd vera tröll, og það má vissulega taka undir þá gagnrýni á hugmyndir Þórhalls þó skemmtilegar séu. Hins vegar er gaman að segja frá því að nýlega rakst ég á írskt rit frá 8. öld (Book of Kells) þar sem guðspjallamennirnir eru málaðir sem “risi”, naut, dreki og fugl.

Það sem meira er, uppruni bókarinnar er tengdur komu skríns Columba til Kells, sem Víkingar reyndu síðan að taka yfir á 9. öld. Því er e.t.v. ekki algjörlega fráleitt að þessar ímyndir komi þaðan inn í norræna söguhefð. Þannig sé frásögn Heimskringlu um tilvonandi innrás Dana, og tilfærslan úr ljóni í dreka, ekki frá Snorra kominn heldur eldri og eigi rætur að rekja til Írlands, hugsanlega til innrásar Víkinga á Kells. Fyrir þessu hefi ég engar heimildir aðrar en myndir af guðspjallamönnunum úr Book of Kells og þá staðreynd að heimildir um innrásir á Ísland af hendi Víkinga höfum við fáar, en þeim mun fleiri tengdar Írum. 

Þannig sé saga Snorra um íslensku landvættirnar hugsanlega afbökuð írskt mýta um vernd guðspjallanna, sprottin úr samfélaginu í Kells.

Vissulega væri gaman að gera á þessu fræðilega rannsókn, leita uppi slíkar frásögur og e.t.v. lesa sér til um írska sögu, en þar sem ég les ekki keltísk mál, er upptekin við önnur fræði og hef enga sérstaka þörf að gefa Írum landvætti Íslands, þá læt ég staðar numið í bili.

My Studies

NT II – 4cr
OT II – 4cr
Being Lutheran 2cr

Ministry Courses
Interprofessional – 2cr
Angl. Parishes – 3cr

Ecclesiology (HTS) – 3cr indp study
Theology of Mission (HTS) – 3cr

Foundation and Essay
Foundation Seminar – 1cr
Essay – 6cr

Missing 7cr of Ministry Courses (6cr can be taken as indep. studies).