Sarah and Mark have created an interesting website where they introduce and give examples of contemporary christian music. The site is called songs we love..
Tag: liturgy
Why give?
First, worshipers want to know how their contributions make a difference. Congregational leaders should highlight the specific ways that worshipers financial gifts are changing lives in the congregation and the community. The emphasis should be on ministry rather than on supporting programs.
via Leading Ideas: A Resource for Church Leaders.
About half of American worshipers regularly give 5% or more of their net income to their congregation. However, this statistic obsures important differences by denomination and faith group. Two out of three worshipers in conservative Protestant churches give at this level. Only half (52%) of mainline Protestant worshipers give at the 5%-or-more level. Worshipers in Catholic parishes are the least likely to regularly give 5% or more (only 36% do). An astounding 44% of conservative Protestant worshipers give 10% or more to their local church.
Contemplation vs. Action
When I go through my papers from the course Spirituality and Prayer, I get stuck thinking about the duel between contemplation and action. Where is the church to be on that spectrum, of course the right answer is both/and not either/or but that is not satisfactory for my brain at the moment.
The History of the icon of Panagia Soumela – Pontos World
The existing icon of Panagia Soumela was iconographed by the Evangelist Luke who was both a physician and an iconographer. According to tradition, whenever Luke drew icons of Panagia, the Holy Mother was very pleased and blessed his works. Furthermore, she encouraged him to draw more icons. When Luke died, his disciple named Ananias, took the icon and transferred it to the Church in Athens dedicated to Panagia. The icon was venerated as Panagia Athiniotissa.
via The History of the icon of Panagia Soumela – Pontos World.
St. Mark’s
From time to time people around me talk about St. Mark’s in Yorkstown. The church with one pastor and a cook.
Daily Examen
A helpful guide for daily Examen.
Young Adults as Church Consumers
More than looking for a good performance, young adults desire to connect with the experience of worship. They embrace the future and the past at the same time. Young adults want to be challenged by the message, and they want to participate in a worship experience.
Church as…
Kaffihúsakirkjan (íslenska)
Kaffihúsakirkjan, reglulegar vikulegar samkomur á kaffihúsi þar sem við ræðum um guðfræðileg/samfélagsleg mál, biðjum saman og veltum fyrir okkur spurningunni: Hvað vill GUÐ?
– Biðjum hvort fyrir öðru
– Tjáum okkur um málefni
– Grátum saman
– Hlæjum saman
– Vefsíða sem vettvangur
– …
Spurning um helgihaldsþáttinn. Hugsanlega að fara til kirkju og syngja í lokin – frjálst að koma með.
Liturgical movement
I wonder if the relatively new focus on liturgy and eucharist is a response to the diminshing relevance of clergy. When the cultural status disappeared there was a need for something to give clergy status and meaning. That something in the Lutheran church was the rediscovery of the eucharist served solely by pastors, or what?