A website about sustainability and responsibility.
Tag: relationship
The Decision
Cause-Effect thinking is a useful tool, or at least it can be. However it is usually automatic re-active thinking rather than pro-active. The world is unfortunately more complicated than cause-effect.
Being a reactive thinking it tends to call for bigger hammer, nicer packaging, or a new program instead of getting us to think about the whole.
Emerging Church Video Podcast
TheOoze.tv is a home of interviews with and opinions of various key players in the emerging movement.
Church and technology
Jonny Baker’s thoughts are worth looking at.
A Jesus Manifesto
A Jesus Manifesto is formed by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola. A reminder of Jesus as a person, not a cause or project.
Listening to Karen Ward
I had the opportunity to listen to Karen Ward few weeks ago. Here are some of the things I heard, I am not sure she said it all though. Continue reading Listening to Karen Ward
Þökk fyrir samveruna, takk fyrir traustið
Það var blendin tilfinning sem fylgdi því fyrir nokkrum dögum að rífa sig frá fjölskyldunni til að vinna sem forstöðumaður í sumarbúðunum í Vatnaskógi. Það er nefnilega erfitt að byrja að vinna á ný eftir að hafa haft tækifæri til að vera heima með nýfæddum syni sínum í rúma sex mánuði. Um leið var spennandi að mæta í Vatnaskóg eftir nokkurra ára hlé. Á staðnum beið nýtt samstarfsfólk, nýir strákar, sömu sumarbúðir. Continue reading Þökk fyrir samveruna, takk fyrir traustið