On the Ezra-Nehemiah scroll, we come across an interesting tension between Ezra 3 and Nehemiah 8. If redaction criticism is used to address the texts, it can be claimed that Nehemiah 7.72b-8.3 is in fact a twist on Ezra 3.1-5.* Both texts describe celebration in the seventh month. The texts start in exactly the same way.
Tag: responsibility
How do we understand our relationship with God and how does it affect our political leanings?
In Fides et Historia, vol XXXII, no. 2 (Summer/Fall 2000), I came across an interesting article by David John Marley; Martin Luther King Jr., Pat Robertson, and the Duality of Modern Christian Politics. I have mentioned the article earlier, in my Icelandic Bible blog when I was writing about Exodus 22. Continue reading How do we understand our relationship with God and how does it affect our political leanings?
Jesaja 63. kafli
Lesturinn hefst á því sem oftast er talið samtal spámannsins og Guðs, þar sem spámaðurinn varpar fram spurningum og Guð svarar. Hins vegar má eins vera að ég samtalsins sé Ísraelsþjóðin sem hefur hjálpræðið og hefur mátt þola mótlæti og þurft að standa hjálparlaus. Continue reading Jesaja 63. kafli