BSC/BSR material from Harvard Business

This is a list of articles from Harvard Business about BSC/BSR material.

These Balanced Scorecard Report article collections will help companies not only plan and execute, but also monitor, learn, test, and adapt their strategic assumptions and practices to achieve sustainable success. Each BSR Reader features a selection of definitive BSR articles on a specific topic related to the Balanced Scorecard and organizational strategy.

Only $49.95 each. Available in PDF or Paperback.

BSC Basics — Getting it Right
Learn from the trials and triumphs of others using the Balanced Scorecard (BSR). This essential collection of six Balanced Scorecard Report articles defines the Balanced Scorecard, shows its relationship to the strategy map, warns how to avoid unbalanced scorecards, describes what makes a good Balanced Scorecard, lists implementation pitfalls to avoid, and describes how to create a balanced set of measures.

Best Practices of Strategy Focused Organizations
We can all learn from our mistakes, but with something as complicated as managing performance and executing strategy, what better way to learn than from the winners?

Building the Office of Strategy Management
Survey after survey reveals that strategy execution has become a top priority in the executive suite. And yet, fewer than 15% of organizations around the world report that they are successful at it. So, what are the successful ones doing right?

Govern to Make Strategy Execution a Core Competency
According to Kaplan and Norton, becoming a strategy-focused organization (SFO) involves five key phases, governing representing the final one. Governing encompasses all the management systems and processes by which strategy execution is carried out and should, therefore, be ongoing in an organization’s life as an SFO.

Healthcare: Prescription for Performance
This nine-article collection features case studies of leading healthcare organizations that have forged a new strategy and new strategy-focused culture to achieve the near-miraculous: balancing fiscal responsibility with quality improvements.

Human Capital
This collection shows how leading organizations used the Balanced Scorecard to measure and manage human capital, enabling them to transform HR into a strategic partner, become the custodian of human capital management, measure the results, and make a significant contribution to their organizations’ strategic performance.

Leadership and Change
Among the most important things a leader must do is make the case for change. This article collection features eight seminal pieces outlining the processes for driving change.

Managing Innovation
We all know that without execution, strategy is worthless. But innovation without execution is arguably worse. It’s costly, both in human and financial terms. Consider the opportunities for value creation — from controlling design and development costs to reducing time to market — that come with getting things right the first time. It’s no surprise that companies are looking at improving the way they manage both the efficiency and effectiveness of their various innovation activities.

Mapping Strategy
This Balanced Scorecard Report collection contains six articles, including: “Building Strategy Maps: The Importance of Time-Phasing the Strategy”, “Building Strategy Maps: Testing the Hypothesis”, and “How to Use Strategy Maps to Achieve Long-Range Objectives.”

Planning for Results: Linking, Planning, and Budgeting
Most organizations continue to suffer breakdowns in the planning and budgeting processes that inhibit them from attaining maximum financial performance. The six articles in this collection offer important perspectives on the role of planning and budgeting, as well as establish a framework for optimizing the planning and budgeting processes, drawing on examples from leading companies.

Setting Measures and Targets that Drive Performance
Strategic performance measures are the foundation of effective strategy management — the key to taking the Balanced Scorecard, or any performance system, from the theoretical to the applied. It is through the process of developing measures that organizations establish, in concrete terms, the drivers of performance. This reader helps organizations define the right measures and targets.

Strategy-Focused Government Organization
Government organizations everywhere are being pressured to become more results- or performance- oriented and more customer-focused. At the same time, most struggle to balance expanding mandates and increased demands from constituents with tighter budgets and fewer resources. This collection offers insight into BSC design and construction for public sector organizations.

Strategy-Focused IT Organization
Not long after Robert Kaplan and David Norton published “The Balanced Scorecard”, leaders of information technology (IT) organizations began using the BSC framework to drive performance improvement of the IT function within their enterprises. The ideas and examples assembled here enable enterprise and IT executives to see beyond the tactical challenges of managing IT to more fully leverage the value of the information capital asset.

Strategy Reporting and Review
Strategy execution is a top priority for executives and boards of directors. Yet, according to Balanced Scorecard Collaborative research, most management teams spend less than an hour a month discussing strategy — if at all.


Each collection is $49.95. Available in PDF or Paperback.

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