
Part of my studies in Transformational Leadership at The Methodist Theological School in Ohio is writing prayers dealing with our life, happiness, success as well as frustrations. In April, having seen a bit to much of the other America, in New Orleans, Detroit and in a Food Pantry in mid-Ohio, this was my prayer.

Lord, where are you,
When I watch an abusive husband shout at his wife
in the waiting room at the food pantry.

Lord, where are you,

When I tell the old woman which recently lost her job,
that the application for food stamps we just compiled
will most likely be rejected.

Lord God, our creator,
where are you when I sit down with a young fella
who lost his future, his house, his girlfriend in the
aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Almighty God,
I know you have called me to be your hands,
your mouth piece, your feet.

But God,
are you sure you called the right person.
I have immigration papers to fill out,
IRS complications to solve.
I have a daughter who needs time with me,
I have a son that is calling me too.
I have a wife that deserves my time.

where are you,
why are you calling me
to deal with your mess.

Why don’t you leave me
to deal with mine.
