Random thoughts about Balanced Scorecard in the church.
(Added 5/17/2011: My STM thesis, Ecclesiology and Evaluation written at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio addresses the Balanced Scorecard in the Church based on a certain Ecclesiology that is formed in the text of the thesis. The thesis is accessible here: http://www.tren.com/e-docs/search.cfm?p035-0113.)
1. The Customer
- The Stakeholders in light of Bowen’s Family Systems Theory.
- I am because we are.
- The pastor and his role
- Different motives
- Leaving programs behind
- The Growth, education and the other stuff
2 Changing vs. fixing
- Look at: https://ispeculate.wpmudev.host/main/2008/02/litarlaeknar-eda-liknardeild/ (in Icelandic)
- In the book Finding Our Way: Leadership for an Uncertain Time it is possible to use text on p. 160+ when trying to understand how to evaluate the church.