Spirits and Social Justice is a name for events arranged by Pilgrim Congregational UCC in Cleveland, inviting people to gather at a local bar to [...]
Áhugahópur um guðfræðiráðstefnur
Halldór Guðmundsson2021-02-19T02:57:16+00:00I have worked on a number of projects as a member of Áhugahópur um guðfræðiráðstefnur. The group's website started as a simple event page, focused [...]
Rob Bell in Iceland 2016
Halldór Guðmundsson2018-12-27T16:14:57+00:00I have worked on a number of projects as a member of Áhugahópur um guðfræðiráðstefnur. In September 2016 the group invited Rob Bell to speak to [...]
SOS Barnaþorpin – Annual Report
Halldór Guðmundsson2024-12-25T17:57:37+00:00I designed and did the layout for the SOS Children's Village Iceland annual report for few years from 2017.
Write Solutions
Halldór Guðmundsson2021-02-19T03:48:15+00:00In October 2015 I did web consulting and worked on print design with A. Paige Baker at Write Solutions. Write Solutions is a small company, [...]
Jólasveinaþjónusta Skyrgáms
Halldór Guðmundsson2024-12-25T18:06:05+00:00Jólasveinaþjónusta Skyrgáms (e. Skyrgamur - Santa Claus Agency) was founded in Iceland 1998. I was one of Santa's helpers, designed printed material, ads, and logos [...]