Halldor brings tools for congregations to think theologically about their present situation and help them assess their hopes for the future. His diverse experiences and education are his main assets. He is willing to sit and think with congregations, and point out where glimpses of God’s reign can be seen in their own mission and in the World.
Halldor is first and foremost a youth minister, or perhaps more accurately a leadership trainer. Based on his experience working with youth, Halldor believes that all ministry should be about leadership, teaching people to become more than they already are. He offers churches to bring in leadership programs for youth and young adults, focusing on peer learning and experiences.
For over 20 years, Halldor has helped a number of congregations and non-profits to figure out what is important when it comes to web presence. No project is too small for his interests. Whether it is congregations, individuals or non-profits, he can help with assessing needs, and implementing correct tools for a relevant web presence.

Halldor Gudmundsson is an experienced specialist in church development and theological discussion addressing congregational life and leadership. He has substantial experience as a trainer for trainers in various ministry settings.
Halldor has worked for various companies as print designer and has over 20 years of experience as a web consultant for non-profits. As a multimedia consultant, he has guided congregations and non-profits on their way to a long term presence on the internet through websites and social media.